# 👉 Me

# 📚 Education background

  • 2017.09 - 2021.06  SJTU  Bachelor Degree        Information Security
  • 2021.09 - 2024.03  SJTU  Master Degree Candidate  Electronic Information(Cyberspace Security)

# 💻 Technology

  • Be familiar with Golang syntax and the use of goroutine and channel
  • Be able to use python basic library for programming and understand C++basic syntax
  • Familiar with basic data structure and classical algorithms
  • Familiar with computer network related knowledge
  • Understand the use of git and conduct collaborative development
  • Learn about mysql-related operations

# 👨‍🔧 Project experience

Bytedance Backend Youth Camp - Dousheng

-Technology stack: Kitex + gin + thrift + MySQL

  • Project description: A minimalist version of the server side of douyin, to achieve user registration and login, video submission and playback, as well as comments and other functions

-Main work:

  1. Use JWT to complete user identity authentication

  2. Design related data structures of user modules and use transaction mechanisms to ensure the integrity of database operations

  3. User-side service decoupling using RPC framework Kitex

# 🚀 Award record

  • The 13th National College Students' information security competition - work competition in 2020 First prize  Anti-ransomware for Linux

# 📝 Job intension

  • Back-end post, prefer golang.